
08 มกราคม 2551

How to register a domain name by Alex Shah

How to register a domain name

The number of people around the world that are using the Internet is growing. The Internet is a great source for information and, at the same time, a place where you can conduct your shopping. Shopping over the Internet does not involve just retail products. Some of the largest businesses in the world are using the internet for communication and collaboration with partners overseas. In order to launch your business on the road to success, you must have a viable marketing strategy. A few pop-ups and e-mails might be useful, but not as effective as you would want them to be in the end. Therefore, the best solution for you and your company would be your own website that is available for everybody interested in your products or services.

Owning your own website involves a few steps. The first thing required is a domain registration . In order to register domain you must think of a name for it. A domain name is nothing more than an address, which you will use for defining the location of the website. The process needed to register domain is quite simple. After you have overcome the first step of finding a domain name, the next thing required is to find an accredited domain name registrar. At the registrar's website, some kind of a name search capability should exist. This will help you in searching the appropriate domain name.

You must enter the domain name you had in mind. The registrar's website will return a list of domains consistent of the extensions you can apply to your domain name, .net, .org or others. Then it will display the availability of the domains in the list. The common way of displaying the availability is through a green checkmark if the domain is available. When the domain is not available and another party used it to register their own domain, a big red X signals this kind of information. If the name is available, the next step in domain registration is to purchase it. This process is the same with every other online transaction and requires your credit card.

When you register domain names, you should consider some traits of quality. The domain names that have the greatest resonance are the ones with the .com extension. The domain registration name should not exceed 26 characters, because then it would be too long and difficult to remember. Something you should not use when you register domain names is hyphens or numbers. These things also contribute to the difficulty of remembering the domain registration name.

You should ask yourself three basic questions in order to determine whether the domain name you have chosen is a good one or not. The first and most obvious one is if the name is memorable. A catchy domain name is something that will enable people to remember it. Another important question concerns the typing of the name in a browser address bar without using any special characters. The third question you need to ask is whether the domain name communicates the content of your website. This helps most people relate your website to their interests. These three basic questions may offer you the best solution for a successful online marketing strategy and getting a high number of visitors to your website.

About the Author
Alex Shah is a freelance writer for Software and Services which provides cheap domain registration and cheap web hosting .
