Business credit card should be separately used to your personal credit cards. It is not a good idea to merge your accounts into the business credit card as it can lead to complicated consequences, especially to your business. Having a separate business card will not only make things easier for your accountants, but will make things well-organized for you, both business and personal alike.
Business credit cards are a must to businesses. These can be an asset as they enable you to run the financial functions of your business easily and sometimes can even bring along greater savings with them. But these perks can only be realized if you were able to pick the right business credit card.
How can you choose the best credit card for your business?
Here are some tips when buying business credit card around:
First, you have to consider how the business credit card will be used. What purchases are you going to use it for? There is a variety of credit card types for businesses, and from the choices you can decide which will be most useful on you while getting some rewards back, whether in the form of discounts or goods. If you, or some employee, frequently fly you can get the air miles-type of credit card to get discounts on air travels.
Second, the features of the credit card might be of interest to you especially its interest rates and other charges. If you are picky, you will likely end up getting a business credit card with the lowest annual percent rate, as well as low interest rates on your purchases. If you would be lucky, there are business credit cards which do not offer interest rates, instead charges on annual percent rates alone, that you could get. Otherwise, you can look for a business credit card with the lowest possible interest rate.
You may be someone which takes fancy on the rewards after purchases made. Rewards may be of most use to your business such as air miles, free office supplies, and discounts to just about everything that you purchase. Others may provide big discounts when you use the credit card to some establishments such as hotels, restaurants, gas stations, office supplies shops, and others.
Another thing you may consider in selecting a business credit card is those that offer balance transfer. You can take advantage of this feature if you want lighter payments you can make to huge amount accumulated by your other credit card. This is not normal for business credit cards so you might have difficulty finding the right credit card. This offer usually includes 0% APR, but be on the lookout of some hidden charges. Mostly, this is an offer which only takes place several months after the introductory offer. You can find an offer which could be as long several months after 1 year though.
Lastly, you can choose business credit cards which can be used your department heads or other staffs. You can provide the card to several of your capable employees and you can have monthly statements consolidated in one bill. This way, you reduce accounting jobs by allowing your accountant track the expenses easier. For added convenience, you can have a credit card which allows daily tracking of your statements by visiting their online daily reporting website. This makes it easier for you to track how the expenses are going along.