Is that all there is?Body image, gaining and losing weight, exercise, self-esteem, diet, physical fitness, aging, relationships, strength, happiness and success all have a fitness element. So why do we think of fitness as physical? I think it is because weight loss/body image/dieting is such a big part of our culture and our lives.But you can do the physical work – lose the weight, exercise, and eat well as a part of fitness and achieve fitness in all of the other areas too – without a lot of extra work.
In fact your workout should include another component – one that not only helps you get better, and longer lasting, physical results. You need to include "workins" in your workouts.This is training for life.A workin will help recondition your mind, improve your attitude, change your perception and stimulate motivation at the same time you are conditioning your body for weight loss, shaping, strength and endurance.Repeat a positive statement over and over to yourself – like a mantra, and like building a muscle, if you lift a weight enough times, your muscle will change, it will become stronger and more shapely, whether you believe in the action or not.So, whenever you go out for a workout, do a workin, too.More about true fitness, training for life, and workouts and workins on my Web site: