
28 กรกฎาคม 2550

Osaka Securities Exchange: Establishment Of Backup Site

Osaka Securities Exchange Co., Ltd. (OSE) announced that it plans to establish a backup site as the first exchanges in Japan, in order to fulfill its responsibilities as a market provider even in case of emergencies. The backup site enables OSE to ensure opportunities for investors to continue trading and clearing to the utmost extent even in case of emergencies, which will further improve reliability of the OSE market.
Outline of Backup Site(1) Site Location
Within the Osaka district (approximately 30 km from the main center)
Site located where a disaster hardly strikes at the same time as the main center
A center with one of the most-advanced facilities (2) Operations to be covered by back up
First Phase: Derivatives Trading
Cover all the functions required for trading at normal times, including clearing of derivatives trading, information dissemination, etc.
Provide sufficient capacity to process current normal trading volume
Second Phase: Trading of all products (including equities)
Enhance the processing capacity, etc. in stages after the backup site becomes operational (3) Investment Amount
Included in the planned system investment (approximately 12 billion yen in three years from Fiscal Year 2007 to 2009) (4) Schedule for Implementation
First phase: to be implemented within Fiscal Year 2007
