29 กรกฎาคม 2550
4 Things ALL Articles Must Have - Don't Forget!
4 Things ALL Articles Must Have - Don't Forget!The importance of articles in today’s websites and internet based companies are immeasurable. They dictate a lot in the success and the drive of traffic into one’s site. It has become a key element in making a site work and earns a profit. A website operator and owner must have the good sense to include articles in his or her site that will work for them and earn them the many benefits articles can give to their site.Articles have been known to be the driving force in driving traffic to a website. Articles are a factor in giving site high rankings in search result pages. The higher a site ranks the bigger slice of the traffic flow pie he gets. With a huge number in traffic flow, there are more profits and more potential for other income generating schemes as well.But, it is not just about stuffing your site with articles; they have certain requirements as well. These requirements must be met to obtain the maximum benefits an article will provide for your site. A well written article will catch the eyes and interest of your customers and keep them coming back for more. They would also be able to recommend your site to others.Here are some tips to help you and assist you in making your articles. Below you will read about four things all articles must have to make it successful and helpful in making your site a profit earning and traffic overflowing site.• Keywords and Keyword Phrases.An article must always be centered on the keywords and keyword phrases. As each website visitor goes to a site, there are those who are just merely browsing but actually looking for a specific something. When this happens, a searcher usually goes to a search engine and types in the keywords they are looking for (e.g. Toyota Camry, Meningitis, Tax Lawyer and Etcetera). It could be anything they want.The Important thing is that you have an article that has the keywords that are related to your site. For example, if you maintain an auto parts site, you must be able t have articles about cars and their parts. There are many tools in the internet that provides service in helping a webmaster out in determining what keywords and keyword phrases are mostly sought out. You can use this tool to determine what keywords to use and write about.• Keyword DensityKnow that you have your keywords and keyword phrases, you must use them fully. An article must have good keyword density for a search engine to “feel” its presence. Articles should at least have ten to fifteen percent of keyword density in their content for search engines to rank a site high in their search results. Getting a high rank is what articles do best for a site.Keyword density is the number of times a keyword or keyword phrase is used on an article. The number varies depending on the number of words used in an article. An effective article must have a keyword density that is not too high or too low. With a very high density, the essence of the article is lost and may turn off a reader as well as the search engines. It comes off as overeager. A low number may be ignored by the search engines.• Good Article ContentLike what is stated above, you cannot just riddle an article with keywords. They must also be regarded as good reading materials. Articles must be able to entertain people as well as provide good information and help for their needs. Articles should be written well with correct spelling and good grammar. If you want people to trust you, make your work good and well thought out.People respond well to figures, facts and statistics. Try to get great information and as many facts as you can. A good and well written article will boost your reputation as an expert in your chosen field or topic. As more people believe in you. They will be able to trust you and your products.• Linking ArticlesAnd another important thing to remember. If you are going to submit articles to ezines and/or contribute your articles to newsletters and other sites, DON’T ever forget to include a link to your site. A little resource box with a brief description of your site and you should always be placed right after your articles that you have submitted. If people like your articles, they will most likely click on the link directing them to your site.
The cartoon crisis
INTRODUCTIONThe cartoon crisis which started in the Denmark’s, Jyllands-Posten newspaper, spread to the all the west immediately. Cartoons were beyond picturing the Prophet Mohammed, also indicating the Islamic world as a belligerent community. It was known that picturing the Prophet was not suitable with the Islam belief, this was surely a humiliation. However the tragedy was that the designers of cartoons illustrated in some cartoons the Prophet Mohammed as a terrorist who is carrying a bomb on his hat. In some of the cartoons, also the Prophet was trying to stop the Muslims who are impudently running against to the west. Cartoons were in fact designed as an illustrator of the difference between the fanatic, primitive, underdeveloped Islam world and civilized west. Islam, one of the three important religions, un-respectfully criticized with so-called funny pictures. Of course cartoons caused a very big impact in the Islamic world in the forms of boycotts, uprisings and so on. Denmark Prime minister has failed to apologize and all these caused hostility toward west especially Europe. In fact in the Middle East, for long time hostility toward Israel and USA was in debate. This hostility nearly changed its direction toward Europe. A new kind of Europhobia started. Surprisingly against to the all claims, Europe was fanatically defended their freedom of expression.IS IT A FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION OR HUMILIATION?This question can be easily answered by the authorities of the Denmark where the event started. Danish criminal code 266b states that; “Any person who, publicly or with the intention of wider dissemination, makes a statement or imparts other information by which a group of people are threatened, insulted or degraded on account of their race, colour, national or ethnic origin, religion, or sexual inclination shall be liable to a fine or to imprisonment for any term not exceeding four months.” As it seen the article clearly indicates a violation by drawing cartoons. It is sure that cartoons beyond all by making a generalization insulted the Muslims on account of their … religion. However the authorities are failed to recognize this fact. An attack to the traditional values of a religion is tolerated by the freedom of expression umbrella. So what is the freedom of expression? According to article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights; “Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers.” However this definition is restricted by the same articles 2nd part as “The exercise of these freedoms….may be subject to….restrictions or penalties as are prescribed by law….in the interests of national security, territorial integrity or public safety…for the protection of the reputation or rights of others” That is also a clear example of how the freedom of expression also violated by the article and drawings of the Jyllands-Posten. Again according to article 140 of the Danish criminal code scorn or mockery of a religious doctrine also constitute a breach of law.“Any person who, in public, mocks or scorns the religious doctrines or acts of worship of any lawfully existing religious community in this country shall be liable to imprisonment for any term not exceeding four months.”IS ISLAMIC WORLD DESERVED SUCH KIND OF ATTITUDE?It is obvious that crises management of the Denmark government failed class. Fundamentalism in the west sharply increased recently especially after the 9/11 terrorist attacks to the twin towers. As well as the underdevelopment of the Middle East continues, it seems fundamentalism in the Middle East will continue also. One should also recognize the fact that Islamic countries are vulnerable to the establishment of terrorist organization. According to me there are three reasons for this. Firstly the economic gap between the east and west. West is often accused for the underdevelopment in the east according to many economic theories especially Marxist ones. On the other hand economic underdevelopment often provides a fertile ground for the support of terrorist organizations within this region of the world. That’s why terrorist organizations such as Hezbollah, Hamas, PKK, and El-Kaida are deriving from this region by using worsen economical conditions of the people and by promising them economic equality. Secondly colonialization, caused a prejudice in the minds of the Islamic world and today most of them are the believers of colonialization is still exist but in different form. This prejudice often is in the form of, west think their values, tradition and even religions superior than the eastern people. The cartoon crisis was implied as supporter of this argument. Lastly the Islam religion and eastern tradition somehow can abuse by the terrorist organizations. The Koran in the most part of its content tells how the Prophet Mohammed ruled the Mecca. On the other hand the Bible itself indicates that Cesar’s right belongs to Cesar. In its content Bible is a secular however Koran is a political inscription. That’s why Koran can be affected from the politics more than the other religious inscriptions. Its jihad principle can be misunderstood and abuse by the terrorists. Most importantly the confusion culture, loyalty to the leader, ruler also make terrorist organization leaders powerful and un-educated and poor people can accepts all the sayings of their leaders without any bias and critics. All these facts put Middle East and Islamic world into a position of problematic region. In addition to this; Christian fundamentalism, racism and the idea that western civilization, values and norms are superior, caused Europhobia which brings the world peace into a serious threat even more series than nuclear weapons called as clash of civilizations.CONCLUSIONAs I indicated clash of civilizations is the main threat before the world peace and security. Today World is experiencing the all negative effects of globalization. Globalization According to Sholte, distinguishes as internationalization; universalization; westernization and deterritorialization. According to Scholte the confusion often is result from this fact since the current trend is the reflection of the last definition of the word. If one considers this concept merely increase in the interaction between states such as increased trade relations internationalization can refer the globalization. On the other hand from the old times to now peoples of different countries have interacting. Globalization is some what more comprehensive than internationalization. It is simply international relations. As liberalization; globalization, surely reflected the liberal view of free trade and incased trade relations between the nations without the limits. However as the first one, it is not necessary to shape this old concept which is developed from the times of Smith and Ricardo in another form and call as globalization. Globalization is surely more extensive than the old concept of liberalization. Universalization, according to me, is approaching to the globalization in a wrong way. It does not imply global governance. Although world people are closer today even matchless in the course of history and different continents people share the same habits, it was also customs and religions have achieved this kind of cohesion. It is not also westernization. In fact not merely westernization. It is also true that it seams the spread of western, European and American habits, norms, rules and cultures. However westernization and the imperialism is not also new concept and can not fulfill the true meaning of the term globalization in the present meaning. Globalization reflects and includes all of those concepts, liberalization, internationalization, universalization and westernization. However the last definition is more valid now for the contemporary globalization, ‘Deterritorialization’. Thus where as territorial differences abolished it gives ways to other divisions such as differences in the civilizations. In my opinion this threat which is more serious then the Thirty years wars of 1648, deserve a new Westphalia treaty and a new Westphalian system as recognition of Protestants in Europe, Islam and Jewish religion which has too many believers in Europe should be accepted as the religions of Europe in this globalize world. It is necessary since both parties still have prejudice against other and do not really trust each other.REFERENCES1. United Nations Human Rights Website - Treaty Bodies Database - Document - Jurisprudence-Denmark.htm, Retrieved from, http://www.unhchr.ch/tbs/doc.nsf/0/4ea4c8df1efebc3cc1256d1d00449b91?Opendocument, on 12-04-20062. Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, Retrieved fromhttp://conventions.coe.int/treaty/en/Treaties/Html/005.htm, on 13-04-20063. The director of public prosecutions, 15 March 2006 Decision on Possible criminal proceedings in the case of Jyllands-Posten's Article "The Face of Muhammed" Retrieved from http://www.rigsadvokaten.dk/ref.aspx?id=890, on 13-04-20064. Denmark Won't Prosecute 16-03-2006 Retrieved from http://www.brusselsjournal.com/trackback/915, on 13-04-2006 5. Scholte Jan A., Globalization, a critical introduction, Macmillan Press, New York, 2000
Recruiting Software VS CRM (Customer Relationship Management)
What is CRM? If I buy CRM software will I be a better recruiter?Should recruiting software have CRM features? Do recruiting software vendors include CRM in their product?I think CRM is a lot of smoke created by some very good marketing people who could sell ice to Eskimos.A common definition for CRM is “The process of using information to find, secure and keep customers. The people, events, and questions associated with marketing, sales, and service”. Yikes! I thought that is what recruiting is?Why am I on such a soap box? Because I talk to about 50 different recruiters and recruitment firm owners a week and every once in a while I get asked does this software contain CRM. A few years back when the question was asked I was at a loss for words. I had no idea what they were talking about. I was terribly concerned that after 25 years in the recruiting industry putting in 10 hours a day seven days a week I had completely missed something and an entire process went right over my head.So I went to work reading and studying everything I could find on CRM and came to the conclusion that CRM and recruiting software are one and the same. If your recruiting software does not have the characteristics defined by CRM then you do not have recruiting software.First of all, who are the customers of an executive recruiter? Candidates and clients are! As any recruiter knows the product of a recruiter is also the customer, the candidate, one unique characteristic of the recruiting industry.Let’s go back to that CRM definition above. “The process of using information to find, secure and keep customers”. Your recruiting software must be used to find and track candidates and clients. Once found the software has to keep them available to you through periodic contact.Next, “The people, events and questions associated with marketing, sales and service”. Ok, if your recruiting software cannot help you market to different demographics of clients and candidates then why are you using it? What are you using to market to clients and candidates? Do you have a separate system for this? Do you have a separate database for marketing to clients, a separate database for marketing to candidates? Do candidates sometimes become clients? Do clients sometimes become candidates? Is candidate John Smith repeated in the client Database and then again in a separate marketing system? How silly these questions are! If you answer yes to any of the above I suggest you reconsider your whole approach to recruiting.And if you have this separation how in the world are you ever going to keep track of the events and questions? Perhaps if they are all separate I can sell you business idiot consolidation software that will pull all these desperate systems together for you.So I will answer the leading questions. If I buy CRM software will I be a better recruiter? No, because you’re an idiot for having recruiting software that is not also CRM. Should recruiting software have CRM features? Of course, CRM and recruiting software are one and the same thing. Do recruiting software vendors include CRM in their product? Yes, if they don’t they are not a recruiting software vendor.
Key to success
Today, more than ever before, we are bombarded with "get-rich-quick" schemes in the media. In this modern electronic age of 24/7 where the separation between work and pleasure is blurred by constant demands for higher and more immediate productivity, the allure of these so-called business opportunities with the promise of more money with less work is the modern "cry of the sirens": even the most sophisticated among us are drawn toward the dream of chucking the "rat race" in favor of working as your own boss, making huge dollars. Today, one of the most heavily advertised opportunities on the internet, (seemingly second only to the spam avalanche for increased sexual performance) is buying and selling distressed real property. Here, supposedly free lists of foreclosures are marketed with the "promise" that even the uninitiated in real estate investment can profit greatly. If you are looking for quick solutions, click on the "Viagra" advertising, because speculating in distressed real property, while potentially very profitable, requires much more knowledge and attention to detail than advertised. So, before you yell, "Take This Job and Shove It," and delve into the list of properties in foreclosure for "buy low, sell high" opportunities, this article will provide you with some practical suggestions for avoiding a bad investment experience with distressed real property, potentially leading to your own financial distress.The first step toward successfully investing in distressed real property is understanding the nature of the problems associated with the ownership, use or occupancy that make the real property distressed. The most common problem leading to distress is a foreclosure. Foreclosures involve liens. Liens are an interest in real property held by a creditor, consensually or non-consensually, often to secure an obligation of the owner or a prior owner of the property. In a foreclosure, a holder of a consensual lien (mortgage) or a non-consensual lien (involving creditors: mechanics lien, broker's lien, tax lien, municipal lien or judgment lien) is seeking to extinguish the interests of subordinate lien creditors (those with lesser rights) and rights of the owner of the real property; and to sell the real property at a judicial sale to satisfy the indebtedness securing the foreclosing lien claimant's lien. Most states, like Illinois, require real property foreclosures through a lawsuit, with the owner and all other interest holders given an opportunity to be heard in court. Mortgage foreclosure laws are harsh, but generally provide the property owners an opportunity to reinstate a mortgage on residential property or to pay-off the indebtedness securing the mortgage, prior to the loss of the property through judicial sale. Foreclosures often involve complicated issues of law and fact, and this is especially so when the owner of the property seeks to stop a foreclosure through the filing of a bankruptcy petition.Numerous "problems," other than foreclosures, can cause real property to be "distressed." Any of the following situations, some which do not involve the financial distress or creditor issues of the property owner, can cause property to be "distressed," and thus present a great investment opportunity for the knowledgeable investor: (a) serious disagreements between owners of the real property, including stemming from a divorce or dissolution of a business organization related to the real property; (b) environmental contamination of the property; (c) unpaid real estate taxes ; (d) the inability to obtain municipal authority for the use or proposed use of the property; (e) real property involved in a bankruptcy case; (f) landlord-tenant disputes; (g) probate and inheritance problems; (h) building, fire and other municipal code violations; (i) disputes arising over the rights of non-owners to enter or use the property through easements or licenses.While the truism of "location, location, location" might apply to real property in general, the axiom for distressed property is "homework, homework, homework." This represents the second and most important step in successfully investing in distressed real property. Investigating distressed property includes the typical "due diligence" required for non-distressed property, plus an exhaustive, on-going review of all legal, business and financial matters that are causing, complicating or mitigating the distress of the property. This investigation requires much more than just the typical fact-gathering. Distressed property can involve a veritable minefield of complicated legal and financial problems, which, at first glance, might make the purchase price attractive, but could lead to great expense after the purchase.In all business acquisitions, a good, fluid and flexible strategy is very important. This is especially true in acquiring distressed property because the purchase of "distressed" real property often does not involve a willing seller, at least at the early stages of "distress." And, as the investor approaches the latter stages of distress, when the owner's consent is no longer or less of an issue, or the owner is more desperate and commensurately more amenable to a sale, the competition among interested buyers increases dramatically. Timing is critical: positions and motivations change quickly with distressed property. An investor in distressed property must have the ability to close a deal quickly, especially where there is competition for the property. To be a "player" in this arena, "Cash is King": you need immediate access to money to close, and you cannot delay the deal with financing contingencies or otherwise involving your prospective lenders. This is especially true with foreclosures where the sale is an auction.Because so many aspects of distressed property involve technical legal issues, sharing the responsibility of pre-sale investigation and formulating an acquisition strategy with a competent lawyer is critical to avoiding pitfalls and increasing the likelihood of success. Having ready access to qualified real estate professionals as advisors is another important step in successfully investing in distressed property, where the investor must rely on a qualified lawyer to assist in maneuvering through the potential mine fields. But, in this age of legal specialization, it is difficult to find a lawyer that has sufficient breadth of experience in all of the important areas of real estate litigation and development, bankruptcy and insolvency, mortgages, credit facilities, leasing, brokerage and construction law relating to residential, commercial and industrial properties. The search for a qualified lawyer is as important as the search for qualified properties. Seeking advice from real estate professionals, coupled with the investor's own investigation is advisable. But, the savvy investor should not substitute his own "hands-on" investigation, without the assistance of a qualified lawyer, in the hope of saving on professional fees. In the end, this could lead to a very costly mistake.So, go ahead and download that list of foreclosures from the internet! There are great opportunities in buying and selling distressed real properties in this economy, especially when interest rates are low and there are qualified buyers available to "flip" the properties to realize a quick profit. And remember, with good professional assistance and careful investigation, the risks of investing in distressed properties can be greatly minimized with substantial returns on your investment.
10 SEO Tips for WordPress
WordPress is getting more popular by the day. It enables people to set up a blog, and even a complete website within minutes.With all the great free plugins and designs out there it is really an easy to use and complete blogging solution.I get asked for specific SEO tips for WordPress very often. Basically all the ‘usual’ SEO stuff is also applicable for WordPress.But besides that, there are a few tips for WordPress I’d like to share with you.Here it goes:1. Use PermalinksBe sure to use Permalinks on your blog.By default WordPress uses web URLs which have question marks and lots of numbers in them. These links are hard to spider for search engines, and therefor your postings aren’t indexed as fast and as good as you want to.WordPress offers you the ability however, to create a custom URL structure for your permalinks and archives.You can find this option in your Admin panel. Choose ‘Options’ in the menu and there ‘Permalinks’.This brings us immidiately to Tip 2:2. Place your titles up front in your URLsIn the Permalinks section you can choose for the ‘Date and name based’ option. This will place the year, month, day and post title in your URL.For SEO purposes it’s better to have your post title up front. So instead you should choose for the ‘Custom’ option and put in something like:/%postname%/%year%/%monthnum%/%day%/This will give you an URL like this:http://www.seo-portal.com/section-targeting-for-AdSense/2006/07/06/3. TagsTags are a great SEO addition to your blog. They enable search engines to crawl your website more easily and in addition to that, create specific pages for your tags/keywords.You can install the Ultimate Tag Warrior plugin on your WordPress blog. Get the plugin here: http://www.neato.co.nz/ultimate-tag-warrior/4. Page TitlesMake sure you set good titles on your pages. We discussed putting the post title up front in your URL. You should do the same thing for your Titles.You can do this by changing the title tag in your header.php (located in wp-content/themes/your theme/)You can use the following code in order to get your post title in front, followed by your blog name:title : /title5. Choose your Post Titles carefullyYour Post Titles should be as clear as possible. Don’t stuff your titles with keywords you are targeting with your whole blog.Choose your keywords carefully per posting, and get those words in your Post Title.6. AutolinksCross link to your own posts and pages in your own content. Do this by linking your keywords to the relevant postings.To facilitate this work, you can install the SH-Autolink plugin.7. Related PostsPut links to related posts under your postings. This helps search engines crawling your site and indexing all your postings.You can get a plugin for this here: http://www.w-a-s-a-b-i.com/archives/2006/02/02/wordpress-related-entries-20/8. Ping ServicesEverytime you post or edit a posting or page, your WordPress blog can notify lots of sites that you updated your blog.Be sure to use this feature!You can set up this feature in Options >> Writing. You can find a list of sites to ping on the WordPress site:http://codex.wordpress.org/Update_Services9. Google SitemapsGoogle has a tool for webmasters called Google Sitemaps. This will help Google index your website, and let’s you tell Google which pagesare most important. If you make use of this feature, you will be able to see for what searches your site was shown in the results.This helps you optimizing your appearance in Google.You can use this plugin to automatically create a sitemap for your WordPress blog:http://www.arnebrachhold.de/2005/06/05/google-sitemaps-generator-v2-final10. CategoriesCategories help you organize your content. If you have the permalinks turned on, the category names will apear in your URL.This is why it is also very important to name your categories carefully; Try to use keywords to name your categories and don’t be afraid to make a load.WordPress enables you to make use of subcategories and sub-subcategories etc. etc. This way you can narrow down your focus on certain keyword phrases.Consider the following example:You have a website about selling photocamera’s. You could organize your articles/postings like this:fotocamera’s >> Digital camera’s >> SLR >> NikonIf a user would be searching for “digital SLR camera nikon” the deepest nested category would have a good optimized URL for this search as the URL would be something like
Google Adsense and How You Can Earn From Adsense Ads
Any web site owner or webmaster who is trying to earn a profit from their sites are likely familiar with Google Adsense.Google Adsense is a great and easy way to make money from your site if it is done right. Adsense will allow any person with a blog or an informative site to earn money, simply by placing a little code on their site pages. Rather than trying to figure out exactly what ads to put on their web pages, Adsense gives web site owners the ability to concentrate on their sites content.Many webmasters are able to make a living from Adsense, however, there are also quite a few who spend all their time just trying to figure out the "magic trick" used to earn from Google Adsense. Earning a living from Google Adsense ads, can seem difficult, but it's not impossible.If Google Adsense is going to be your only source of income, you will want to do more than just taking some Adsense code and placing it on your site. That is just not enough; you will need to do some experimenting, with placements, formats and choice of keywords.You really should take care to build your page around a specific topic or keyword that is relevant to your site concept. This will ensure that any Adsense ads which are placed on this page are appropriate and useful to any visitors who want to know more about the topic and they will more than likely end up clicking on the Adsense ad.You will want to take care where you place your ads. It has been proven that visitors often first look to the top left of a website when they arrive. Because this is were your visitors attention is likely to first, it is going to be one place where you might want to consider placing some ads. You can read the Google help on the Adsense website to learn more about the best locations for placing your adverts.Another consideration when placing your ads, is to put them on high traffic pages. You can identify the pages visited most on your site by taking a look at your logs or your Google account, where you will get the page-by-page details of your visitors.Although the skyscraper and banner ads may look good on your site, you may want to avoid using them. Often times, banners are ignored. For example, have you clicked on any banners of sites that you have visited lately?You will want to blend your Adsense ads into your web page by using the Adsense formats. Google supplies a variety of palettes allowing you to change font colors, borders and backgrounds. There really isn't much point in putting an ad on a page if it doesn't blend with your site.A very important resource that many webmasters ignore is the Adsense preview tool. This tool will allow you to preview the ads that will go on each of your pages and gives you sample ads and formats. Here is where the destination of your ads can be checked, as well as, geo targeted locations.Remain focused on what it is that you want to achieve. However busy you may be, you must take some time and experiment with your Adsense ads so that CTR can improve. No matter what the experts say, just follow the basics, that's the real magic to making more from Gooogle Adsense.
Google Adsense The Money You Want
You are working hard creating good and quality content for your Google AdSense web site. You carefully plan a good link building strategy for your Google AdSense web site. Google started to realize, though, that all clicks were not created equal.In the beginning of Google Adsense when someone clicked on the ads you would earn a percentage of what the people were paying for adwords per click, today the percentage is calculated differently is kept a secret. Google Adsense terms and conditions require that earnings are kept secret.Everyone dreams of making money online more quickly. There are plenty of Adsense make money videos being peddled all over the World Wide Web. You see it everywhere on the web, people create these ad sites that draw people in and direct them to click on Google ads to make their living. There are lots of webmasters struggling hard to earn some good money a day through their sites.This is a basic tip, but many people haven't figured it out yet. Google Adsense has opened the door for everyone to make money without inventory, employing sales people or selling anything, someone clicks on a ad and you get paid, its that easy. Because the ads look like normal web links, and people are trained to click on these types of links.Anybody can make money with adsense, but unless you have traffic you will not have enough income to support yourself, you can make extra money but I wouldn’t quit my day job. Having the ads on your sites is a positive thing because you will earn money when the ads get clicked on, you will make a substantial amount of money if you have high traffic or low traffic on many sites.It can be shown that with all else being equal, the likelihood of a click conversion is proportional to the amount of exposure to a particular ad block. Ensure that your navigation is easy to understand and that the user will intuitively know where to click to get to where he wants. So the webmaster's game plan is to enable visitors on his site to navigate to the links which webmaster wants the visitor to click on, and not the other way around.There are many individuals who have created a lot of money and know the ins and outs so most of them have many tips that can be followed to help get into this type of work. Many other people are now putting the code onto their own sites which can help them to pay for hosting and domain renewal costs. Signing up for an Adsense account and copy-pasting some codes into your website's HTML code is all that is needed to start serving Google Adsense ads and make some money.Signup is free and all you have to do is put the ads on your site. Many internet webmasters who use Adsense do not believe in free information they feel it has no real value. These webmaster are wrong, many Google Adsense affiliates, have increased their revenue by having free content and giving to everyone for free, so this is a debate that will go for a long time.
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Detailed Product Description
Detailed Product Description
The remedies from Alaskan wildcrafted herbs have been provided by Dr. S. V. Art after 18 years of experience in Herbal and Homeopathic Therapy 100% Natural Remedies! Best seller since 1989. Looking for buyers and ditributors. BOTANICAL OILS AND BOTANICAL OIL COMPOUNDS ELIXIRS ENCAPSULATIONS ESSENTIAL OILS AND ESSENTIAL OIL COMPOUNDS GLYCERITES GLYCERITE COMPOUNDS LIQUID EXTRACTS LIQUID EXTRACT COMPOUNDS SALVES SOLID EXTRACTS SUPPOSITORIES SYRUPS TEAS VINEGAR COMPOUNDS To order Homeopathic / Holistic Remedies Please contact Ancient Medicine Center
Helth and HIV/AIDs Chapter
Cambodia's health status is among the poorest in the region, as Table 13.1 shows. The public health system has suffered from war and chronic underfunding and is having serious difficulties in meeting the health needs of the population. A heavy burden of communicable diseases results in high mortality rates among children and adults. Progress has been made in seeking to revitalize the health system and to break the vicious cycle of ill health, debt, and poverty that economically cripples Cambodian families and retards the country's development. However, considerable further effort is needed to improve access to health services of improved quality. To this end, the Ministry of Health (MOH) is formulating a sector master plan linking health sector reform with the broader fiscal and administrative reforms presented
AdSense is an ad serving program run by Google. Website owners can enroll in this program to enable text, image and, more recently, video advertisements on their sites. These ads are administered by Google and generate revenue on either a per-click or per-thousand-impressions basis. Google is also currently beta-testing a clost-per-action based service.
Google utilizes its search technology to serve ads based on website content, the user's geographical location, and other factors. Those wanting to advertise with Google's targeted ad system may sign up through AdWords. AdSense has become a popular method of placing advertising on a website because the ads are less intrusive than most banners, and the content of the ads is often relevant to the website.
Currently, the AdSense uses JavaScript code to incorporate the advertisements into a participating site. If it is included on a site which has not yet been crawled by the Mediabot , it will temporarily display advertisements for charitable causes known as public service announcements (PSAs). (Note that the Mediabot is a separate crawler from the Googlebot that maintains Google's search index.)
Many sites use AdSense to monetize their content and some webmasters work hard to maximize their own AdSense income. They do this in three ways:
They use a wide range of traffic generating techniques including but not limited to online advertising.
They build valuable content on their sites which attracts AdSense ads which pay out the most when they get clicked.
They use copy on their websites that encourage clicks on ads. Note that Google prohibits people from using phrases like "Click on my AdSense ads" to increase click rates. Phrases accepted are "Sponsored Links" and "Advertisements".
The source of all AdSense income is the AdWords program which in turn has a complex pricing model based on a Vickrey second price auction, in that it commands an advertiser to submit a sealed bid (not observable by competitors). Additionally, for any given click received, advertisers only pay one bid increment above the second-highest bid.
Google utilizes its search technology to serve ads based on website content, the user's geographical location, and other factors. Those wanting to advertise with Google's targeted ad system may sign up through AdWords. AdSense has become a popular method of placing advertising on a website because the ads are less intrusive than most banners, and the content of the ads is often relevant to the website.
Currently, the AdSense uses JavaScript code to incorporate the advertisements into a participating site. If it is included on a site which has not yet been crawled by the Mediabot , it will temporarily display advertisements for charitable causes known as public service announcements (PSAs). (Note that the Mediabot is a separate crawler from the Googlebot that maintains Google's search index.)
Many sites use AdSense to monetize their content and some webmasters work hard to maximize their own AdSense income. They do this in three ways:
They use a wide range of traffic generating techniques including but not limited to online advertising.
They build valuable content on their sites which attracts AdSense ads which pay out the most when they get clicked.
They use copy on their websites that encourage clicks on ads. Note that Google prohibits people from using phrases like "Click on my AdSense ads" to increase click rates. Phrases accepted are "Sponsored Links" and "Advertisements".
The source of all AdSense income is the AdWords program which in turn has a complex pricing model based on a Vickrey second price auction, in that it commands an advertiser to submit a sealed bid (not observable by competitors). Additionally, for any given click received, advertisers only pay one bid increment above the second-highest bid.
Osaka Securities Exchange: Establishment Of Backup Site
Osaka Securities Exchange Co., Ltd. (OSE) announced that it plans to establish a backup site as the first exchanges in Japan, in order to fulfill its responsibilities as a market provider even in case of emergencies. The backup site enables OSE to ensure opportunities for investors to continue trading and clearing to the utmost extent even in case of emergencies, which will further improve reliability of the OSE market.
Outline of Backup Site(1) Site Location
Within the Osaka district (approximately 30 km from the main center)
Site located where a disaster hardly strikes at the same time as the main center
A center with one of the most-advanced facilities (2) Operations to be covered by back up
First Phase: Derivatives Trading
Cover all the functions required for trading at normal times, including clearing of derivatives trading, information dissemination, etc.
Provide sufficient capacity to process current normal trading volume
Second Phase: Trading of all products (including equities)
Enhance the processing capacity, etc. in stages after the backup site becomes operational (3) Investment Amount
Included in the planned system investment (approximately 12 billion yen in three years from Fiscal Year 2007 to 2009) (4) Schedule for Implementation
First phase: to be implemented within Fiscal Year 2007
Osaka Securities Exchange Co., Ltd. (OSE) announced that it plans to establish a backup site as the first exchanges in Japan, in order to fulfill its responsibilities as a market provider even in case of emergencies. The backup site enables OSE to ensure opportunities for investors to continue trading and clearing to the utmost extent even in case of emergencies, which will further improve reliability of the OSE market.
Outline of Backup Site(1) Site Location
Within the Osaka district (approximately 30 km from the main center)
Site located where a disaster hardly strikes at the same time as the main center
A center with one of the most-advanced facilities (2) Operations to be covered by back up
First Phase: Derivatives Trading
Cover all the functions required for trading at normal times, including clearing of derivatives trading, information dissemination, etc.
Provide sufficient capacity to process current normal trading volume
Second Phase: Trading of all products (including equities)
Enhance the processing capacity, etc. in stages after the backup site becomes operational (3) Investment Amount
Included in the planned system investment (approximately 12 billion yen in three years from Fiscal Year 2007 to 2009) (4) Schedule for Implementation
First phase: to be implemented within Fiscal Year 2007
The Taiwan Stock Exchange
The Taiwan Stock Exchange plans to merge with the island's smaller bourse and futures market, creating a "one-stop service" in an attempt to draw overseas investors and stem an outflow of companies.
"The integration of those markets is very urgent," Chairman Gordon Chen said in an interview in Taipei. The exchange has to provide a "one-stop service for investors to improve efficiency and lower costs," Chen said.
Chen is trying to halt the loss of companies to exchanges such as Hong Kong's, which don't have the same restrictions on investments in China, Taiwan's biggest export market. Taiwan's stock market has grown at one-third the pace of Hong Kong's over the past three years, and investors say a merger of the island's markets won't be enough to close the gap. Taiwan's companies are restricted from investing more than 40 percent of their net worth in China under the island's rules, limiting their ability to profit from the world's fastest growing major economy. China's gross domestic product expanded 11 percent in the first quarter, almost three times the pace of Taiwan's.
The rules also prevent mainland companies from selling shares in Taiwan, depriving the stock exchange of a surge in new listings from China that has benefited Hong Kong. Chinese companies now account for almost half of the value of the Hong Kong market.
"Taiwanese companies have good reasons to list overseas," said Daryl Goh, a strategist at Credit Suisse Group in Hong Kong. "Merging exchanges will not alter companies' need to get around Taiwan's investment limits."
Taiwan Stock Exchange had a net loss of three companies in 2006 and six in 2005, reducing the total to 649, according to the Taiwan Securities Association. At the same time, 13 Taiwanese companies sold shares in Hong Kong the past two years.
Capxon International Electronic Co., a Taiwan-backed company that makes electrical components used in cars and home appliances, this month raised about US$22 million in a Hong Kong initial public offering.
If the 40 percent cap is lifted, "our market size can be enlarged faster than before," Chen said. Taiwan should reduce the "limitations" to lure investors, he said.
The Taiwan Stock Exchange's benchmark TAIEX index has gained 3.5 percent this year, while the Morgan Stanley Capital International Asia-Pacific index has climbed 6.2 percent and Hong Kong's Hang Seng index gained 3.7 percent.
Bourses worldwide are considering mergers and alliances to create larger and more efficient trading platforms.
NYSE Group Inc.'s plan to acquire Paris-based Euronext NV for about US$14 billion would link stock markets in the U.S. and four European countries. International Securities Exchange Holdings Inc. this month agreed to be purchased by Deutsche Boerse AG's Eurex unit for US$2.8 billion.
Taiwan's exchange has a preliminary agreement to merge with the island's Gretai market for smaller companies, Chen said. A merger with Gretai would lift the exchange's market value by 10 percent to US$664 billion at yesterday's prices.
The plan would also involve assuming control of Taiwan's share registry, Chen said. Part two of the plan would involve merger with the island's futures exchange, he said.
The merger would leave Taiwan as the region's seventh- biggest market, having been overtaken by China and India in the past two years. During that time, the stock markets of South Korea and Australia have surged ahead of Taiwan, with the Sydney bourse topping US$1 trillion. Singapore's bourse doubled in size to US$455 billion as it too attracted Taiwanese and Chinese companies.
The Taiwan exchange is considering either setting up a holding company to own the various exchanges or having a share swap to turn the smaller markets into subsidiaries, Chen said.
Taiwan's investment restrictions are a legacy of the island's split with China in 1949 when the Nationalist government fled after losing a civil war in China. Beijing has more than 900 missiles aimed at the island that it regards as a province that must eventually be unified.
"Taiwan is missing out on waves of Chinese companies seeking listing, because of the political disagreements," Johnson Chen, chairman of IBT Asset Management Co. in Taipei, which manages US$2 billion in assets.
"The integration of those markets is very urgent," Chairman Gordon Chen said in an interview in Taipei. The exchange has to provide a "one-stop service for investors to improve efficiency and lower costs," Chen said.
Chen is trying to halt the loss of companies to exchanges such as Hong Kong's, which don't have the same restrictions on investments in China, Taiwan's biggest export market. Taiwan's stock market has grown at one-third the pace of Hong Kong's over the past three years, and investors say a merger of the island's markets won't be enough to close the gap. Taiwan's companies are restricted from investing more than 40 percent of their net worth in China under the island's rules, limiting their ability to profit from the world's fastest growing major economy. China's gross domestic product expanded 11 percent in the first quarter, almost three times the pace of Taiwan's.
The rules also prevent mainland companies from selling shares in Taiwan, depriving the stock exchange of a surge in new listings from China that has benefited Hong Kong. Chinese companies now account for almost half of the value of the Hong Kong market.
"Taiwanese companies have good reasons to list overseas," said Daryl Goh, a strategist at Credit Suisse Group in Hong Kong. "Merging exchanges will not alter companies' need to get around Taiwan's investment limits."
Taiwan Stock Exchange had a net loss of three companies in 2006 and six in 2005, reducing the total to 649, according to the Taiwan Securities Association. At the same time, 13 Taiwanese companies sold shares in Hong Kong the past two years.
Capxon International Electronic Co., a Taiwan-backed company that makes electrical components used in cars and home appliances, this month raised about US$22 million in a Hong Kong initial public offering.
If the 40 percent cap is lifted, "our market size can be enlarged faster than before," Chen said. Taiwan should reduce the "limitations" to lure investors, he said.
The Taiwan Stock Exchange's benchmark TAIEX index has gained 3.5 percent this year, while the Morgan Stanley Capital International Asia-Pacific index has climbed 6.2 percent and Hong Kong's Hang Seng index gained 3.7 percent.
Bourses worldwide are considering mergers and alliances to create larger and more efficient trading platforms.
NYSE Group Inc.'s plan to acquire Paris-based Euronext NV for about US$14 billion would link stock markets in the U.S. and four European countries. International Securities Exchange Holdings Inc. this month agreed to be purchased by Deutsche Boerse AG's Eurex unit for US$2.8 billion.
Taiwan's exchange has a preliminary agreement to merge with the island's Gretai market for smaller companies, Chen said. A merger with Gretai would lift the exchange's market value by 10 percent to US$664 billion at yesterday's prices.
The plan would also involve assuming control of Taiwan's share registry, Chen said. Part two of the plan would involve merger with the island's futures exchange, he said.
The merger would leave Taiwan as the region's seventh- biggest market, having been overtaken by China and India in the past two years. During that time, the stock markets of South Korea and Australia have surged ahead of Taiwan, with the Sydney bourse topping US$1 trillion. Singapore's bourse doubled in size to US$455 billion as it too attracted Taiwanese and Chinese companies.
The Taiwan exchange is considering either setting up a holding company to own the various exchanges or having a share swap to turn the smaller markets into subsidiaries, Chen said.
Taiwan's investment restrictions are a legacy of the island's split with China in 1949 when the Nationalist government fled after losing a civil war in China. Beijing has more than 900 missiles aimed at the island that it regards as a province that must eventually be unified.
"Taiwan is missing out on waves of Chinese companies seeking listing, because of the political disagreements," Johnson Chen, chairman of IBT Asset Management Co. in Taipei, which manages US$2 billion in assets.
NASDAQ And OMX To Combine
NASDAQ And OMX To Combine - The Leading Innovators In The Exchange Industry To Create The World's Premier Exchange And Technology Company - Combination Recommended By Both OMX And NASDAQ Boards And Supported By Key OMX And NASDAQ Shareholders
The boards of directors of The NASDAQ Stock Market, Inc. ("NASDAQ") and OMX AB (publ) ("OMX") jointly announce that they have entered into an agreement (the "Transaction Agreement") to combine the two companies (the "Combination" or the "Transaction"), creating the world's premier exchange and technology company. The Combination will create the largest global network of exchanges and exchange customers linked by technology. The Combination will provide significant benefits for customers, shareholders and other stakeholders in both companies.
The new group, to be called The NASDAQ OMX Group (the "Combined Group"), brings together two companies with a common culture and vision of innovation, competitiveness and pioneering technological expertise. NASDAQ OMX Group combines two highly complementary businesses, uniting NASDAQ's leading global brand, highly efficient electronic trading platform and track record of customer focused innovation with OMX's global technology services platform and customer base, efficient Nordic Exchange, derivatives capabilities and track record of successful cross-border exchange integrations.
The Combination will be effected through a cash and stock tender offer (the "Offer") by NASDAQ for all outstanding shares in OMX. The consideration offered is equivalent to 0.502 new NASDAQ shares plus SEK94.3 in cash for each OMX share. Based on NASDAQ's closing price on 23 May, 2007, the Offer values OMX at SEK208.1 per share(1), equivalent to SEK25.1 billion ($3.7 billion) and represents a premium of 19 percent to the closing price of SEK174.5 per OMX share on 23 May, 2007, the last full trading day prior to the announcement of the Offer and a premium of 25 percent to the volume weighted average price of SEK165.9 per OMX share over the 20 trading days up to and including 23 May, 2007.
Robert Greifeld, Chief Executive Officer of NASDAQ, commented:
"The future of exchanges is about technology, flexibility and scale. NASDAQ and OMX together deliver all of these benefits. Our technology leadership and track record in linking trading platforms means we will offer issuers and investors unique benefits which were not available in one company until now. This combination provides our organizations with the ability to grow and accelerate the global flow of equity capital. At the same time, it provides us with an excellent platform for further expansion into derivatives and other asset classes. Our organizations bring together very complementary businesses, and we see many new opportunities for growth in an era of unprecedented change and development for exchanges."
Magnus Bocker, Chief Executive Officer of OMX, commented:
"This combination creates a new leader in the exchange industry. By utilizing the combined entities' joint expertise and competencies we will create an outstanding platform for future growth. Issuers, members, information vendors and investors on both NASDAQ and OMX Nordic Exchange will all benefit from its new global context. The combination also provides benefits for OMX's global technology customer base, as it enables an increased focus on research and product development in the most important and fastest growing areas of the exchange technology market."
H. Furlong Baldwin, Chairman of NASDAQ, commented:
"We are each coming at this combination from a position of strength. At NASDAQ, we are privileged to be partnering with such a reputable institution as the OMX."
Urban Backstrom, Chairman of OMX, commented:
"For OMX, as a company that has always been known for its innovative and ground-breaking approach within the exchange industry, this is the natural next step. This will also strengthen the Nordic region as a financial center."
The Combined Group will have 2,349 employees in 22 countries with pro forma revenues for the financial year 2006 of more than $1.2 billion (SEK8.3 billion). The relative values of the companies under the terms of the Offer and based on NASDAQ's closing share price as of 23 May, 2007 are 58 percent NASDAQ and 42 percent OMX. The pro forma market capitalization of The NASDAQ OMX Group will be approximately $7.1 billion (SEK48.6 billion)(2), of which NASDAQ shareholders will own approximately 72 percent and OMX shareholders will hold approximately 28 percent as a result of the cash component of the Offer.(3)
The Combined Group will be governed by representatives from both NASDAQ and OMX under the leadership of Robert Greifeld, who will serve as Chief Executive Officer and Magnus Bocker, who will serve as President. The board of directors of the Combined Group will consist of 15 members, including nine representatives from NASDAQ, five representatives from OMX and the Chief Executive Officer of the Combined Group. The NASDAQ OMX share will be listed on NASDAQ and on OMX Nordic Exchange.
The Combination is unanimously recommended by the boards of directors of each of OMX and NASDAQ. Investor AB, Nordea Bank AB and Magnus Bocker, together representing approximately 16.6 percent of OMX's current issued ordinary share capital, have entered into irrevocable undertakings to accept the Offer and, if a mix and match facility is included in the Offer, depending on the structure and the terms of the facility, they will elect to receive all shares, subject to proration. Olof Stenhammar & Company, representing approximately 1.6 percent of OMX's current issued ordinary share capital, has expressed its support for the Combination and its intention to become a long term shareholder in the Combined Group. In addition, Hellman & Friedman, Silver Lake Partners, and Robert Greifeld have each agreed to vote their shares in favor of certain matters related to the Offer at the related NASDAQ shareholders' meeting, subject to the terms of NASDAQ's certificate of incorporation.
The boards of directors of The NASDAQ Stock Market, Inc. ("NASDAQ") and OMX AB (publ) ("OMX") jointly announce that they have entered into an agreement (the "Transaction Agreement") to combine the two companies (the "Combination" or the "Transaction"), creating the world's premier exchange and technology company. The Combination will create the largest global network of exchanges and exchange customers linked by technology. The Combination will provide significant benefits for customers, shareholders and other stakeholders in both companies.
The new group, to be called The NASDAQ OMX Group (the "Combined Group"), brings together two companies with a common culture and vision of innovation, competitiveness and pioneering technological expertise. NASDAQ OMX Group combines two highly complementary businesses, uniting NASDAQ's leading global brand, highly efficient electronic trading platform and track record of customer focused innovation with OMX's global technology services platform and customer base, efficient Nordic Exchange, derivatives capabilities and track record of successful cross-border exchange integrations.
The Combination will be effected through a cash and stock tender offer (the "Offer") by NASDAQ for all outstanding shares in OMX. The consideration offered is equivalent to 0.502 new NASDAQ shares plus SEK94.3 in cash for each OMX share. Based on NASDAQ's closing price on 23 May, 2007, the Offer values OMX at SEK208.1 per share(1), equivalent to SEK25.1 billion ($3.7 billion) and represents a premium of 19 percent to the closing price of SEK174.5 per OMX share on 23 May, 2007, the last full trading day prior to the announcement of the Offer and a premium of 25 percent to the volume weighted average price of SEK165.9 per OMX share over the 20 trading days up to and including 23 May, 2007.
Robert Greifeld, Chief Executive Officer of NASDAQ, commented:
"The future of exchanges is about technology, flexibility and scale. NASDAQ and OMX together deliver all of these benefits. Our technology leadership and track record in linking trading platforms means we will offer issuers and investors unique benefits which were not available in one company until now. This combination provides our organizations with the ability to grow and accelerate the global flow of equity capital. At the same time, it provides us with an excellent platform for further expansion into derivatives and other asset classes. Our organizations bring together very complementary businesses, and we see many new opportunities for growth in an era of unprecedented change and development for exchanges."
Magnus Bocker, Chief Executive Officer of OMX, commented:
"This combination creates a new leader in the exchange industry. By utilizing the combined entities' joint expertise and competencies we will create an outstanding platform for future growth. Issuers, members, information vendors and investors on both NASDAQ and OMX Nordic Exchange will all benefit from its new global context. The combination also provides benefits for OMX's global technology customer base, as it enables an increased focus on research and product development in the most important and fastest growing areas of the exchange technology market."
H. Furlong Baldwin, Chairman of NASDAQ, commented:
"We are each coming at this combination from a position of strength. At NASDAQ, we are privileged to be partnering with such a reputable institution as the OMX."
Urban Backstrom, Chairman of OMX, commented:
"For OMX, as a company that has always been known for its innovative and ground-breaking approach within the exchange industry, this is the natural next step. This will also strengthen the Nordic region as a financial center."
The Combined Group will have 2,349 employees in 22 countries with pro forma revenues for the financial year 2006 of more than $1.2 billion (SEK8.3 billion). The relative values of the companies under the terms of the Offer and based on NASDAQ's closing share price as of 23 May, 2007 are 58 percent NASDAQ and 42 percent OMX. The pro forma market capitalization of The NASDAQ OMX Group will be approximately $7.1 billion (SEK48.6 billion)(2), of which NASDAQ shareholders will own approximately 72 percent and OMX shareholders will hold approximately 28 percent as a result of the cash component of the Offer.(3)
The Combined Group will be governed by representatives from both NASDAQ and OMX under the leadership of Robert Greifeld, who will serve as Chief Executive Officer and Magnus Bocker, who will serve as President. The board of directors of the Combined Group will consist of 15 members, including nine representatives from NASDAQ, five representatives from OMX and the Chief Executive Officer of the Combined Group. The NASDAQ OMX share will be listed on NASDAQ and on OMX Nordic Exchange.
The Combination is unanimously recommended by the boards of directors of each of OMX and NASDAQ. Investor AB, Nordea Bank AB and Magnus Bocker, together representing approximately 16.6 percent of OMX's current issued ordinary share capital, have entered into irrevocable undertakings to accept the Offer and, if a mix and match facility is included in the Offer, depending on the structure and the terms of the facility, they will elect to receive all shares, subject to proration. Olof Stenhammar & Company, representing approximately 1.6 percent of OMX's current issued ordinary share capital, has expressed its support for the Combination and its intention to become a long term shareholder in the Combined Group. In addition, Hellman & Friedman, Silver Lake Partners, and Robert Greifeld have each agreed to vote their shares in favor of certain matters related to the Offer at the related NASDAQ shareholders' meeting, subject to the terms of NASDAQ's certificate of incorporation.
When diving alway remember to take nothing but pictures leave nothing but footprints and kill nothing but time. Here are some important reminders.
1. Ise a lightweight belt to prevent it from sinking and damaging the corals.Make sure you are properly weighted and learn how to achieve neutral buoyancy and contral depth by balancing you body weight with the lead belt.
2.Swin in a horizontal position,keeping you distance from corals. Do not roll or somersault because you oxygen tank many accidentally hit the corals.
3.Limit the use of fins when swimming just above the corals to avoid creating a cloud of send,which cansmoother thir polyps.
4.If you are an expertdiver it is advisable not to dive too steeply. Use the anchor to guid you
5.Don't let ropes or tubes remain hanging loose as they could become stuck to the corals.
6.Fasten your weight belt firmly in order to keep it from falling onto the corals and causing damage.
7.never touch any marine organisms, whether they are fish or plants. Observe them from a distance, especially large creatures such as stingrays and whale sharks,because you could startle them and they might stay away from divers forever. Do not rece against each other under-water
1. Ise a lightweight belt to prevent it from sinking and damaging the corals.Make sure you are properly weighted and learn how to achieve neutral buoyancy and contral depth by balancing you body weight with the lead belt.
2.Swin in a horizontal position,keeping you distance from corals. Do not roll or somersault because you oxygen tank many accidentally hit the corals.
3.Limit the use of fins when swimming just above the corals to avoid creating a cloud of send,which cansmoother thir polyps.
4.If you are an expertdiver it is advisable not to dive too steeply. Use the anchor to guid you
5.Don't let ropes or tubes remain hanging loose as they could become stuck to the corals.
6.Fasten your weight belt firmly in order to keep it from falling onto the corals and causing damage.
7.never touch any marine organisms, whether they are fish or plants. Observe them from a distance, especially large creatures such as stingrays and whale sharks,because you could startle them and they might stay away from divers forever. Do not rece against each other under-water
Increasing Lilies Vegetatively
This is the fastest way to increase your bulbs. You will be producing exact duplicates of the original bulb - so called "clones." Because all of the genetic material is still present in the plant tissues, any viruses which have affected the "mother" bulb will be present in the "babies." In theory, if the bulblets grow quick enough and with repeated scaling, you may be able to lessen the effect of viral infections on a valuable or rare cultivar. (Large photo is of bulb scales ready for incubation, small photo is of Asiatic scales, field planted. Click on photos to enlarge them.)Step #1. Start with fresh-harvested, locally grown bulbs. The lily’s reproductive cells need to be on a natural cycle for best vitality. Do not use cheaply obtained lily bulbs, either in spring or September, from questionable sources. These usually are bulbs that were left unsold from the greenhouse forcing market and have been unnaturally stored in freezers for over a year. Dehydration from long storage will cause their growth to be marginal when compared to fresh bulbs. Best results are from lily bulbs fresh from the garden, scaled in October, with the new bulblets planted outdoors in March.Step #2. To begin, remove all of the outer two rings of scales and discard. Carefully break off the remaining layers of bulbs, completely down to the "pit" - the center of the bulb, where the shoot emerges.Step #3. Set out the "scales" and the "pit" to dry overnight. DO NOT wash the scales to "clean them," or you risk contamination. They will air-dry and the broken surface will callous, naturally protecting the scales from fungus. The next day you may replant the lily bulb core. It will put up a pathetic-looking stem the first year, but should recover the following season with a bloom or two.Step #4. Place scales between layers of slightly damp vermiculite or peat (sterilized) in a plastic bag that is loosely folded at the top. Place in a warm, evenly heated location of about 70?F. for 8 to 10 weeks. Do not allow any lily scales to come in direct contact with the plastic bag. If water droplets form on the plastic, there is too much moisture - open the bag immediately to allow in more air.Step #5. When bulblets are about the size of green peas or shelled filberts (their growth depending on the type of lily) they are moved into cold storage for their first "winter." After six to eight weeks of temperatures just above freezing, the bulblets are ready to be planted either outdoors or in a greenhouse.Step #6. Scatter in weed-free, perfectly drained ground, covering the bulblets with only one inch of soil. Keep bulblets evenly moist the first summer, checking soil moisture before irrigation. Do not allow the soil to completely dry, or all growth will stop for the summer. Most cultivars will send up tiny stems from 4 to 12 inches in height, depending on the Lilium type.Step #7. These yearlings may be harvested and moved to a permanent location in October. Most will have one or two flowers the second year, but Asiatics require an additional two years of growth and Orientals, three years, before they are of commercial size.©2002, B&D Lilies, All Rights Reserved.
Welcome to B&D Lilies First in Garden Lilies™ since 1978.(This site was updated on Wednesday, April 4, 2007)
Welcome to B&D Lilies First in Garden Lilies™ since 1978.(This site was updated on Wednesday, April 4, 2007)
Deterring Birds
Protecting your garden and home from messy birdsBirds and associated diseases are hot news -- people worry and wonder about bird flu jumping species -- but in fact there are already over 60 different human diseases associated with birds and their droppings, some of which can be fatal. You’ve heard of salmonella and bed bugs, but add to this list tongue-twisters such as histoplasmosis and cryptococcosis. In addition to diseases, birds can cause esthetic and financial heartache for property owners and gardeners.Droppings cause unsightly stains, deterioration of structures and devalued property. Not to mention the cost of fixing/maintaining/cleaning up.Pigeons (perhaps fed by a neighbor) are messy and ugly.Woodpeckers can destroy wood homes, shingles and siding.Great blue heron can eat valuable fish in your pond.Starlings and blackbirds can eat the fruits (and vegetables) of your labor.Canada geese will ravage grass and leave up to a pound a day (per goose) of droppings.To end bird problems there are several options, depending on the budget, desires and restrictions of the homeowner. Lethal options are not recommended, as they only treat the symptoms, not the problem itself. Meaning, poison, for example, does nothing to make the area undesirable to the birds; new birds will continue to come if there is a reason they like it there. Trapping birds is a lot of labor, and again doesn't do anything about new birds. Of course it's usually more desirable (and more economical) to treat the problem once and for all, not perpetually. Furthermore, lethal methods also cause extremely negative publicity among one’s neighbors.But…birds are stubborn – they will want to stay if they’re happy and comfortable. The goal is to make the area undesirable and unappealing (via sound, odor, taste, visually or physically).Sound deterrentsThese are often employed against pigeons, woodpeckers, starlings and blackbirds. As birds will get used to the same sound repeated over and over, choose a device that has built-in change involved, for example one that varies in frequency, duration, and sequence, and features the sounds of both birds in distress and predators looking for food. This is a key factor in long-term discouragement.Visual devicesVisual devices are usually used against pigeons, starlings, blackbirds, woodpeckers and more. As with sound deterrents, change is important. If you just put a plastic owl in the yard, they’ll quickly realize that it isn’t really a threat since it never moves. To work long-term, a repeller must involve movement. One option is a large orange sphere that has holograms on front and back. It appears to move when the bird looks at it from different angles. In addition to the eyes moving, it’s mounted on a spring that causes the entire predator to move and bounce in the wind.Another visual option to scare birds away is iridescent bird deterrent foil. You simply cut off strips and attach them to fence posts, trees or rooftops to scare the birds away. As the strips blow in the wind, they catch sunlight, producing constantly changing colors and patterns. And the tape itself produces a metallic rattle, unnerving birds with the sound too.Physical barriersBird spikes (think “barbed wire for birds”) prevent a bird from roosting on a nearby ledge, sill, roof peak, etc. Bird netting works well too. If birds don’t have easy, comfortable roosting access to your property, they are less likely to congregate there.Taste aversionsA food-grade biodegradable spray (a bitter, smelly component of Concord grapes) will keep Canada geese from eating your grass, and will keep woodpeckers from finding your wood surfaces appetizing. This methyl anthranilate spray targets their taste and smell senses but won’t cause the environment any harm. In fact it has been used to flavor grape candy, soda and gum for years.If you have an especially bad problem, or the birds have been returning for many years, you may want to use a combination of methods to scare the birds away. Whatever it takes to give the impression that your property is not a fun, relaxing, inviting place to stay.
Why pay over $90.00 a month for Cable or Satellite TV services?

Technology is advancing so fast that now one can watch satellite TV or hear radio on a home PC. All you need is special hardware known as PCTV cards that are of two kinds. One kind needs to be installed in the PC while the other kind is an external box that plugs into the PC’s USB port.
There are cards that use the PC’s infrastructure to decode satellite signals and allow users to enjoy free-to-air digital television and radio programs. There are cards that have built-in processors that allow TV viewing in a separate window while the PC runs other programs. Both kinds of cards can be utilized to receive Broadband Internet via Satellite. Requests are made using a telephone line but data is received at 40MB per second via the satellite dish.
To view satellite TV on your PC you would require a minimum processor that is Pentium II 333 MHz, an operating system like Microsoft Windows 98/ME/2000/XP, as well as hardware consisting of sound card, spare USB slot, and a CD Rom drive. If you are a computer geek you could in addition to the cards have a Windows media player, real player, or quick time player all of which will take you to the next level of viewership.
The options are many. The PC can be directly connected to a satellite dish by using a product like Hauppauge 3000 or through the Internet cable; or via the satellite box (run an aerial lead from the RF output socket of the Shy Digibox to the input aerial socket on a standard PC TV card or USB TV adapter). Direct TV and Dish TV both recommend using a connection via their proprietary satellite TV receiver box as ideal.
With a PC-TV-Radio one can simultaneously or alternately watch regular TV, a movie, or sports, and enjoy crystal clear music while writing, checking mail, telewebbing, or surfing the Internet. The options are astounding one can download and record favorite programs, record music, and be creative.
Free Satellite TV provides detailed information on Free Satellite TV, Free Satellite TV Systems, Free Satellite TV on PC, Free Satellite TV Offers and more. Free Satellite TV is affiliated with Dish Satellite Network.
There are cards that use the PC’s infrastructure to decode satellite signals and allow users to enjoy free-to-air digital television and radio programs. There are cards that have built-in processors that allow TV viewing in a separate window while the PC runs other programs. Both kinds of cards can be utilized to receive Broadband Internet via Satellite. Requests are made using a telephone line but data is received at 40MB per second via the satellite dish.
To view satellite TV on your PC you would require a minimum processor that is Pentium II 333 MHz, an operating system like Microsoft Windows 98/ME/2000/XP, as well as hardware consisting of sound card, spare USB slot, and a CD Rom drive. If you are a computer geek you could in addition to the cards have a Windows media player, real player, or quick time player all of which will take you to the next level of viewership.
The options are many. The PC can be directly connected to a satellite dish by using a product like Hauppauge 3000 or through the Internet cable; or via the satellite box (run an aerial lead from the RF output socket of the Shy Digibox to the input aerial socket on a standard PC TV card or USB TV adapter). Direct TV and Dish TV both recommend using a connection via their proprietary satellite TV receiver box as ideal.
With a PC-TV-Radio one can simultaneously or alternately watch regular TV, a movie, or sports, and enjoy crystal clear music while writing, checking mail, telewebbing, or surfing the Internet. The options are astounding one can download and record favorite programs, record music, and be creative.
Free Satellite TV provides detailed information on Free Satellite TV, Free Satellite TV Systems, Free Satellite TV on PC, Free Satellite TV Offers and more. Free Satellite TV is affiliated with Dish Satellite Network.
27 กรกฎาคม 2550
Adsense เตรียมให้บริการภาษาไทย
Adsense เตรียมให้บริการ๓าษาไทย!
Google employs Thai to head local expansionPornthip Kongchun, Google’s first Thai represenative, is in charge of the company’s expansion here, including its planned new Thai-language advertising service.Google boasts its first Thai national, as the firm plans to launch a Thai-language advertising service around the middle of the year.As part of its localisation policy, Google three months ago employed Pornthip Kongchun, 29, to spearhead its expansion here. Pornthip was previously working at Microsoft (Thailand).She graduated in finance and banking from Ramkhamhaeng University and spent two years with the Tourism Authority of Thailand before joining travel company Passion Asia.The September 11 terrorist attacks in the US in 2001 reduced visitors to Thailand and forced Passion Asia to sell its online reservation software, which she had helped develop during her two-to-three year tenure at the company.The shift enabled Pornthip to meet people in the technology industry and she then moved to Microsoft's business solutions team for two years. She said it had been a tough decision to leave such a good company."I like Google's business model and its innovative nature. It's also very challenging because I've become the first executive so I have to start everything. There's no programme for me to follow, the company has allowed me to create plans myself."According to www.truehit.net, Google had about 93 per cent of the Thai market, significantly above the world average.Google has great potential in the country, Pornthip said."Thais are very enthusiastic about a number of Google services, compared with customers in [say] Latin American countries. [For example] pocket books about Google Earth are selling very well here," she said.Google already has more than 1,000 Thai customers for its English-language AdSense service, which places adverts that are relevant to a search topic in the margins, despite not having run any marketing campaigns or offering a dedicated Thai-language AdSense service.GoogleThe search engine is considering offering its Thai AdSense advertising service in the next few months in the hope of tapping the huge, non-English reading Thai market, she said.Within Southeast Asia, Google so far has representatives only in Thailand and Vietnam.Chonchalerm Padtha, of search engine marketing firm Globet.com, said Google was the world's most popular search engine with a 46.3-per-cent market share last year.
กูเกิลจ้างคนไทยเป็น head สำหรับการขยายกิจการสำหรับเขตท้องถิ่น พรทิพย์ คงจันทร์ เป็นตัวแทนที่เป็นคนไทยคนแรกของกูเกิล ร่วมทำหน้าที่เพื่อการขยายตัวของบริษัท รวมถึงโครงการที่จะมีการทำโฆษณาภาษาไทยด้วยกูเกิลอ้างถึงคนไทยคนแรก,สำหรับการทำโครงการที่จะทำโฆษณาด้วยภาษาไทยจะออกมาให้ได้ใช้ประมาณ กลางปีฐานะที่เป็นส่วนหนึ่งของการขยายตัวในระดับท้องถิ่น,3 เดือนก่อนกูเกิลได้จ้างคุณพรทิพย์ คงจันทร์ อายุ 29 เพื่อร่วมการขยายตัวครั้งนี้ ซึ่งคุณพรทิพย์ก่อนหน้านี้ทำงานอยู่กับ Microsoft (Thailand)จบการศึกษา การเงินและการธนาคารจาก รามคำแหง และ ทำงานให้กับการท่องเที่ยวแห่งประเทศไทย 2 ปี ก่อนจะร่วมงานกับบริษัทท่องเที่ยวชื่อ Passion Asia 11 กันยายน 2001 ที่มีผู้ก่อการร้ายใน US ทำให้นักท่องเที่ยวมาไทยน้อยลง ทำให้ Passion Asia ต้องขายระบบการจองตั๋ว online . ซึ่งเธอกล่าวว่าเธอได้ช่วยในการพัฒนาระหว่าง 2-3 ปีที่เธอทำงานอยู่ที่นั่นทำให้คุณพรทิพย์ได้มีโอกาสพบกับผู้คนที่อยู่ในวงการอุตสาหกรรมทางด้านเทคโนโลยี และ เธอก็ได้ย้ายไปร่วมงานกับ Microsoft's business solution team เป็นเวลา 2 ปี. เธอบอกว่า มันยากในการตัดสินใจที่จะย้ายออกจากบริษัทที่ดีอย่างนั้น" ฉันชอบ Google's business model และ ลักษณะที่เป็นธรรมชาติของ นวัตกรรม. แต่มันก็เป็นเรื่องท้าทายเพราะฉันกลายมาเป็น executive คนแรก ดังนั้นฉันต้องเริ่มทำทุก ๆ อย่าง ไม่มีโปรแกรมอะไรให้ทำตาม, บริษัทให้อนุญาติในการสร้างสรรค์ plan ด้วยตัวเอง.ตามข้อมูลจาก www.truehit.net กูเกิล มีส่วนแบ่งในตลาดไทยถึง 93% ซึ่งสูงกว่าค่าเฉลี่ยในตลาดโลกอย่างมีนัยสำคัญ (อันนี้ไม่ค่อยเคลียร์นะครับ)กูเกิลมีศักยภาพมากในประเทศไทย (The country น่าจะหมายถึงไทยนะครับ) , คุณพรทิพย์กล่าวคนไทยให้ความสนใจช้บริการของกูเกิล อย่างสูง, เปรียบเทียบกับ ลูกค้าในแถบประเทศ Latin America หลาย ๆ ประเทศ. เช่น pocket books เกี่ยวกับ Google Earth ขายดีมากที่ประเทศไทย : เธอกล่าวมีลูกค้าชาวไทยมากกว่า 1000 คน สำหรับ การทำ AdSense ด้วยภาษาอังกฤษ ซึ่งคือการวางโฆษณา ที่เกี่ยวข้องกับการค้นหา อย่างไรก็ตามยังไม่มีการใช้กับการทำการตลาด หรือ ใช้ภาษาไทยสำหรับ AdSense.The search engine (น่าจะหมายถึง google ) พิจารณาการให้บริการ AdSense ด้วยภาษาไทย ว่าอาจจะมีการให้บริการในอีก 2-3 เดือนข้างหน้า เพราะหวังถึงตลาดที่ใหญ่โต สำหรับคนที่ไม่ได้ใช้ภาษาอังกฤษ และ อ่านภาษาไทยออก เธอกล่าวใน เอเชียตะวันออกเฉียงใต้ กูเกิลมีตัวแทน แค่ในไทย และ เวียตนาม ชลเฉลิม พัดธา(ง่ะ..คงเขียนไม่ถูกแล้วล่ะครับ) จาก Globet.com กล่าวว่า กูเกิลได้ตำแหน่งเป็น search engine ที่นิยมที่สุด ด้วยส่วนแบ่งทางการตลาดสูงถึง 46.3 % เมื่อปีที่แล้ว
Google employs Thai to head local expansionPornthip Kongchun, Google’s first Thai represenative, is in charge of the company’s expansion here, including its planned new Thai-language advertising service.Google boasts its first Thai national, as the firm plans to launch a Thai-language advertising service around the middle of the year.As part of its localisation policy, Google three months ago employed Pornthip Kongchun, 29, to spearhead its expansion here. Pornthip was previously working at Microsoft (Thailand).She graduated in finance and banking from Ramkhamhaeng University and spent two years with the Tourism Authority of Thailand before joining travel company Passion Asia.The September 11 terrorist attacks in the US in 2001 reduced visitors to Thailand and forced Passion Asia to sell its online reservation software, which she had helped develop during her two-to-three year tenure at the company.The shift enabled Pornthip to meet people in the technology industry and she then moved to Microsoft's business solutions team for two years. She said it had been a tough decision to leave such a good company."I like Google's business model and its innovative nature. It's also very challenging because I've become the first executive so I have to start everything. There's no programme for me to follow, the company has allowed me to create plans myself."According to www.truehit.net, Google had about 93 per cent of the Thai market, significantly above the world average.Google has great potential in the country, Pornthip said."Thais are very enthusiastic about a number of Google services, compared with customers in [say] Latin American countries. [For example] pocket books about Google Earth are selling very well here," she said.Google already has more than 1,000 Thai customers for its English-language AdSense service, which places adverts that are relevant to a search topic in the margins, despite not having run any marketing campaigns or offering a dedicated Thai-language AdSense service.GoogleThe search engine is considering offering its Thai AdSense advertising service in the next few months in the hope of tapping the huge, non-English reading Thai market, she said.Within Southeast Asia, Google so far has representatives only in Thailand and Vietnam.Chonchalerm Padtha, of search engine marketing firm Globet.com, said Google was the world's most popular search engine with a 46.3-per-cent market share last year.
กูเกิลจ้างคนไทยเป็น head สำหรับการขยายกิจการสำหรับเขตท้องถิ่น พรทิพย์ คงจันทร์ เป็นตัวแทนที่เป็นคนไทยคนแรกของกูเกิล ร่วมทำหน้าที่เพื่อการขยายตัวของบริษัท รวมถึงโครงการที่จะมีการทำโฆษณาภาษาไทยด้วยกูเกิลอ้างถึงคนไทยคนแรก,สำหรับการทำโครงการที่จะทำโฆษณาด้วยภาษาไทยจะออกมาให้ได้ใช้ประมาณ กลางปีฐานะที่เป็นส่วนหนึ่งของการขยายตัวในระดับท้องถิ่น,3 เดือนก่อนกูเกิลได้จ้างคุณพรทิพย์ คงจันทร์ อายุ 29 เพื่อร่วมการขยายตัวครั้งนี้ ซึ่งคุณพรทิพย์ก่อนหน้านี้ทำงานอยู่กับ Microsoft (Thailand)จบการศึกษา การเงินและการธนาคารจาก รามคำแหง และ ทำงานให้กับการท่องเที่ยวแห่งประเทศไทย 2 ปี ก่อนจะร่วมงานกับบริษัทท่องเที่ยวชื่อ Passion Asia 11 กันยายน 2001 ที่มีผู้ก่อการร้ายใน US ทำให้นักท่องเที่ยวมาไทยน้อยลง ทำให้ Passion Asia ต้องขายระบบการจองตั๋ว online . ซึ่งเธอกล่าวว่าเธอได้ช่วยในการพัฒนาระหว่าง 2-3 ปีที่เธอทำงานอยู่ที่นั่นทำให้คุณพรทิพย์ได้มีโอกาสพบกับผู้คนที่อยู่ในวงการอุตสาหกรรมทางด้านเทคโนโลยี และ เธอก็ได้ย้ายไปร่วมงานกับ Microsoft's business solution team เป็นเวลา 2 ปี. เธอบอกว่า มันยากในการตัดสินใจที่จะย้ายออกจากบริษัทที่ดีอย่างนั้น" ฉันชอบ Google's business model และ ลักษณะที่เป็นธรรมชาติของ นวัตกรรม. แต่มันก็เป็นเรื่องท้าทายเพราะฉันกลายมาเป็น executive คนแรก ดังนั้นฉันต้องเริ่มทำทุก ๆ อย่าง ไม่มีโปรแกรมอะไรให้ทำตาม, บริษัทให้อนุญาติในการสร้างสรรค์ plan ด้วยตัวเอง.ตามข้อมูลจาก www.truehit.net กูเกิล มีส่วนแบ่งในตลาดไทยถึง 93% ซึ่งสูงกว่าค่าเฉลี่ยในตลาดโลกอย่างมีนัยสำคัญ (อันนี้ไม่ค่อยเคลียร์นะครับ)กูเกิลมีศักยภาพมากในประเทศไทย (The country น่าจะหมายถึงไทยนะครับ) , คุณพรทิพย์กล่าวคนไทยให้ความสนใจช้บริการของกูเกิล อย่างสูง, เปรียบเทียบกับ ลูกค้าในแถบประเทศ Latin America หลาย ๆ ประเทศ. เช่น pocket books เกี่ยวกับ Google Earth ขายดีมากที่ประเทศไทย : เธอกล่าวมีลูกค้าชาวไทยมากกว่า 1000 คน สำหรับ การทำ AdSense ด้วยภาษาอังกฤษ ซึ่งคือการวางโฆษณา ที่เกี่ยวข้องกับการค้นหา อย่างไรก็ตามยังไม่มีการใช้กับการทำการตลาด หรือ ใช้ภาษาไทยสำหรับ AdSense.The search engine (น่าจะหมายถึง google ) พิจารณาการให้บริการ AdSense ด้วยภาษาไทย ว่าอาจจะมีการให้บริการในอีก 2-3 เดือนข้างหน้า เพราะหวังถึงตลาดที่ใหญ่โต สำหรับคนที่ไม่ได้ใช้ภาษาอังกฤษ และ อ่านภาษาไทยออก เธอกล่าวใน เอเชียตะวันออกเฉียงใต้ กูเกิลมีตัวแทน แค่ในไทย และ เวียตนาม ชลเฉลิม พัดธา(ง่ะ..คงเขียนไม่ถูกแล้วล่ะครับ) จาก Globet.com กล่าวว่า กูเกิลได้ตำแหน่งเป็น search engine ที่นิยมที่สุด ด้วยส่วนแบ่งทางการตลาดสูงถึง 46.3 % เมื่อปีที่แล้ว
เวิลด์ไวด์เว็บ (World Wide Web, WWW, หรือ W3, หรือที่เรียกกันสั้นๆ ว่า "เว็บ") คือพื้นที่ที่เก็บข้อมูลข่าวสารที่เชื่อมต่อกันทางอินเทอร์เน็ต โดยการกำหนดURI คำว่าเวิลด์ไวด์เว็บมักจะใช้สับสนกับคำว่า อินเทอร์เน็ต โดยจริงๆแล้วเวิลด์ไวด์เว็บเป็นเพียงแค่บริการหนึ่งบนอินเทอร์เน็ต
ไฮเปอร์เท็กซ์ หรือข้อมูลที่มีการจัดรูปแบบบนเว็บ สามารถถูกเรียกดูด้วยโปรแกรมที่เรียกว่า เว็บเบราว์เซอร์ ซึ่งอ่านข้อมูลที่เรียกว่า เว็บเพจ มาจาก เว็บเซิร์ฟเวอร์ เมื่อข้อมูลถูกอ่านจะมาแสดงผลบนจอคอมพิวเตอร์ เพื่อให้ผู้ใช้สามารถอ่านและดูเว็บได้ เมื่อผู้ใช้ต้องการดูหน้าอื่น สามารถเลือก ไฮเปอร์ลิงก์ เพื่อเชื่อมโยงไปยังเว็บหน้าอื่นๆ หรือทั้งยังส่งข้อมูลกลับไปที่เว็บเซิร์ฟเวอร์เพื่อประมวลผล เว็บเพจหลายๆ หน้าที่จัดการเก็บข้อมูลที่ใกล้เคียงกันเรียกว่า เว็บไซต์ การอ่านเว็บจากหน้าหนึ่งไปยังอีกหน้าหนึ่ง นิยมเรียกกันว่า "เซิร์ฟฟิงเว็บ" หรือ "เบราว์ซิงเว็บ"
เวิลด์ไวด์เว็บ (World Wide Web, WWW, หรือ W3, หรือที่เรียกกันสั้นๆ ว่า "เว็บ") คือพื้นที่ที่เก็บข้อมูลข่าวสารที่เชื่อมต่อกันทางอินเทอร์เน็ต โดยการกำหนดURI คำว่าเวิลด์ไวด์เว็บมักจะใช้สับสนกับคำว่า อินเทอร์เน็ต โดยจริงๆแล้วเวิลด์ไวด์เว็บเป็นเพียงแค่บริการหนึ่งบนอินเทอร์เน็ต
ไฮเปอร์เท็กซ์ หรือข้อมูลที่มีการจัดรูปแบบบนเว็บ สามารถถูกเรียกดูด้วยโปรแกรมที่เรียกว่า เว็บเบราว์เซอร์ ซึ่งอ่านข้อมูลที่เรียกว่า เว็บเพจ มาจาก เว็บเซิร์ฟเวอร์ เมื่อข้อมูลถูกอ่านจะมาแสดงผลบนจอคอมพิวเตอร์ เพื่อให้ผู้ใช้สามารถอ่านและดูเว็บได้ เมื่อผู้ใช้ต้องการดูหน้าอื่น สามารถเลือก ไฮเปอร์ลิงก์ เพื่อเชื่อมโยงไปยังเว็บหน้าอื่นๆ หรือทั้งยังส่งข้อมูลกลับไปที่เว็บเซิร์ฟเวอร์เพื่อประมวลผล เว็บเพจหลายๆ หน้าที่จัดการเก็บข้อมูลที่ใกล้เคียงกันเรียกว่า เว็บไซต์ การอ่านเว็บจากหน้าหนึ่งไปยังอีกหน้าหนึ่ง นิยมเรียกกันว่า "เซิร์ฟฟิงเว็บ" หรือ "เบราว์ซิงเว็บ"
Ultimately, the best way to save money when planning your trip is to resist mainstream travel patterns. If you can avoid traveling during peak seasons, days of the week and times of day you can find the tickets the airlines were forced to mark down to ensure a sold-out flight.
World Wide Web
The Web" and "WWW" redirect here. For other uses, see Web and www (disambiguation) . For the world's first browser, see WorldWideWeb.
The World Wide Web is a system of interlinked, hypertext documents accessed via the Internet. With a Web browser, a user views Web pages that may contain text, images, and other multimedia and navigates between them using hyperlinks. The Web was created in 1989 by the
Briton Sir Tim Berners-Lee and the Belgian Robert Cailliau working at
CERN in Geneva, Switzerland. Since then, Berners-Lee has played an active role in guiding the development of Web standards (such as the markup languages in which Web pages are composed), and in recent years has advocated his vision of a Semantic Web.
The Web" and "WWW" redirect here. For other uses, see Web and www (disambiguation) . For the world's first browser, see WorldWideWeb.
The World Wide Web is a system of interlinked, hypertext documents accessed via the Internet. With a Web browser, a user views Web pages that may contain text, images, and other multimedia and navigates between them using hyperlinks. The Web was created in 1989 by the
Briton Sir Tim Berners-Lee and the Belgian Robert Cailliau working at
CERN in Geneva, Switzerland. Since then, Berners-Lee has played an active role in guiding the development of Web standards (such as the markup languages in which Web pages are composed), and in recent years has advocated his vision of a Semantic Web.
When is the best time to book my flight?
When is the best time to book my flight? Prices on last minute airfare can be highly volatile so try to book in advance. At the last minute, airlines know you?re desperate and are willing to pay more. However, occasionally the airlines are desperate to fill seats, so prices might decrease. For travel during popular holidays (i.e. Christmas, New Years, Thanksgiving) and internationally try book at least three months in advance. Most travel sites recommend booking 7, 14 or 21 days in advance, but in my experience the cheapest tickets usually get bought up long before then. So, even for domestic flights I start looking several months in advance.
Honda Gains Rise On Fuel-Saving Cars
The Honda Motor Co. announced last Wednesday that its first-quarter gains increased by 16 percent and such have been buoyed by demand for fuel-saving product lines in the United States and a weaker yen.
Additionally, net income of the second biggest Japanese automaker increased to ¥166.1 billion, or $1.4 billion, in the three months ended June 30, as compared with its ¥143.4 billion in 2006. Honda won customers in the United States, its biggest market, from domestics General Motors Corp. and Ford Motor Co. with its Civic compact cars and CR-V SUVs.
The Tokyo-based automaker earns as much as 70 percent of its operating profit in the United States and benefited from a 5.3 percent drop in the value of Japanese currency against the dollar in the quarter, reported International Herald Tribune. Honda's world-wide sales rose 5.6 percent to 946,000 vehicles from the same period last year.
Heat is building up and it must be controlled by a Honda del sol radiator. As the competition gets even tougher, precise strategies are crucial. In June, Honda and the Toyota Motor Corp. increased production to meet rising demand from North America, Europe and Asia. Toyota raised global production 3.6 percent to 734,354 vehicles in June while Honda's global output rose four percent to 340,400 vehicles, the companies said in separate statements.
Toyota surpassed GM as the world's biggest automaker by sales in the first half of this year, bolstered by vehicle demand in the U.S. Honda increased its full-year sales and gain forecasts amid surging demand for its fuel- efficient Civic models, reported Bloomberg.
"Exports to North America have been strong,'' said Hirofumi Yokoi, an analyst at CSM Worldwide, an auto industry consulting firm. "Japanese and Korean carmakers will continue to grab market share away from Detroit.''
Toyota's overseas production rose 7.2 percent, while output in Japan increased by 0.3 percent to 368,513. The automaker's exports rose 9.6 percent to 242,101 and Honda exported 55,207 vehicles, down by 2.8 percent. Meanwhile, Honda's domestic production dived by 4.8 percent while overseas output climbed 9.2 percent, Bloomberg added.
Moreover, July domestic production is expected to decline as Japan's 12 automakers lost output of at least 120,000 vehicles after Riken Corp., Japan's biggest piston rings supplier, ceased production because of a July 16 quake in Niigata area. Carmakers will likely make up for the lost production by the end of the fiscal year, said Fujio Cho, the chairman of the Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association.
Even amid increasing raw-material costs and expenses related to new production facilities Honda's net is bolstered. The automaker said that its brisk sales and the positive effects of the weak yen, which helps Japanese automakers by increasing the value of overseas earnings when converted into Japanese currency, led to its net profit of 166.1 billion yen or $1.38 billion in the three months ended June 30, up from 143.4 billion yen in the same period in 2006.
Honda increased its net-profit forecast for the year ending March 31 to 625 billion yen, a 5.5 percent increase from the year earlier. Honda's estimates were based on a conservative exchange rate of 115 yen to the dollar. So far this fiscal year, the dollar has remained at about 120 yen, causing the car maker to recalculate its earning, said Amy Chozick, an automotive writer.
Last week, Chief Executive Takeo Fukui said that Honda will increase its capacity world-wide to meet demand. A new U.S. car plant will open next year with an annual capacity to produce as many as 200,000 vehicles. Honda expects annual production in North America to reach 1.62 million vehicles by the fall of 2008, up from 1.4 million cars this year.
The Honda Motor Co. announced last Wednesday that its first-quarter gains increased by 16 percent and such have been buoyed by demand for fuel-saving product lines in the United States and a weaker yen.
Additionally, net income of the second biggest Japanese automaker increased to ¥166.1 billion, or $1.4 billion, in the three months ended June 30, as compared with its ¥143.4 billion in 2006. Honda won customers in the United States, its biggest market, from domestics General Motors Corp. and Ford Motor Co. with its Civic compact cars and CR-V SUVs.
The Tokyo-based automaker earns as much as 70 percent of its operating profit in the United States and benefited from a 5.3 percent drop in the value of Japanese currency against the dollar in the quarter, reported International Herald Tribune. Honda's world-wide sales rose 5.6 percent to 946,000 vehicles from the same period last year.
Heat is building up and it must be controlled by a Honda del sol radiator. As the competition gets even tougher, precise strategies are crucial. In June, Honda and the Toyota Motor Corp. increased production to meet rising demand from North America, Europe and Asia. Toyota raised global production 3.6 percent to 734,354 vehicles in June while Honda's global output rose four percent to 340,400 vehicles, the companies said in separate statements.
Toyota surpassed GM as the world's biggest automaker by sales in the first half of this year, bolstered by vehicle demand in the U.S. Honda increased its full-year sales and gain forecasts amid surging demand for its fuel- efficient Civic models, reported Bloomberg.
"Exports to North America have been strong,'' said Hirofumi Yokoi, an analyst at CSM Worldwide, an auto industry consulting firm. "Japanese and Korean carmakers will continue to grab market share away from Detroit.''
Toyota's overseas production rose 7.2 percent, while output in Japan increased by 0.3 percent to 368,513. The automaker's exports rose 9.6 percent to 242,101 and Honda exported 55,207 vehicles, down by 2.8 percent. Meanwhile, Honda's domestic production dived by 4.8 percent while overseas output climbed 9.2 percent, Bloomberg added.
Moreover, July domestic production is expected to decline as Japan's 12 automakers lost output of at least 120,000 vehicles after Riken Corp., Japan's biggest piston rings supplier, ceased production because of a July 16 quake in Niigata area. Carmakers will likely make up for the lost production by the end of the fiscal year, said Fujio Cho, the chairman of the Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association.
Even amid increasing raw-material costs and expenses related to new production facilities Honda's net is bolstered. The automaker said that its brisk sales and the positive effects of the weak yen, which helps Japanese automakers by increasing the value of overseas earnings when converted into Japanese currency, led to its net profit of 166.1 billion yen or $1.38 billion in the three months ended June 30, up from 143.4 billion yen in the same period in 2006.
Honda increased its net-profit forecast for the year ending March 31 to 625 billion yen, a 5.5 percent increase from the year earlier. Honda's estimates were based on a conservative exchange rate of 115 yen to the dollar. So far this fiscal year, the dollar has remained at about 120 yen, causing the car maker to recalculate its earning, said Amy Chozick, an automotive writer.
Last week, Chief Executive Takeo Fukui said that Honda will increase its capacity world-wide to meet demand. A new U.S. car plant will open next year with an annual capacity to produce as many as 200,000 vehicles. Honda expects annual production in North America to reach 1.62 million vehicles by the fall of 2008, up from 1.4 million cars this year.
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